
CRP e-Services Instructions


Property owners or managing agents must issue a Certificate of Rent Paid (CRP) to each adult renter for rent received during the year. The CRP must be provided to the renter by January 31 of each year.

 There are two options to create CRPs in e-Services:

  • Enter Manually: Typically, this process is easier to use if you have a small number of renters, properties, or units. For more information, visit the Enter Manually Step-by-Step Instructions section below.
  • Import from File: Importing your CRP data from a spreadsheet allows you to create CRPs for multiple addresses using one file. This process is typically easier to use if you have multiple properties or many units. To learn more about formatting your file to import, visit Certificates of Rent Paid File Formats.

General CRP Requirements

Contact Info

Last Updated