
Resident Trusts


The definition of a resident trust depends on the date the trust becomes irrevocable or is first administered in Minnesota. (See Minnesota Statute 290.01, subdivision 7b)

  • After December 31, 1995: A trust, except a grantor type trust, that meets one of the following criteria:
    • Created by a will of a decedent, who at their death was a Minnesota resident
    • Is irrevocable, and at the time it became irrevocable, the grantor was a Minnesota resident
  • Before January 1, 1996: A trust, except a grantor type trust, administered in Minnesota, meeting two of the following three criteria:
    • The majority of the discretionary investment decisions are made in Minnesota
    • The majority of the discretionary distribution decisions are made in Minnesota
    • The trust’s official books and records are kept in Minnesota

Minnesota taxes resident trusts on all their income or gains from intangible property, such as stocks and bonds.


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