
Sales - Tips and Other Charges


Tips, other service charges, or rental charges may be taxable.

Voluntary Tips

Tips that a customer voluntarily leaves or adds to a credit card receipt are not taxable.

Tips Added by Seller

Tips or service charges a seller adds to the bill are taxable, even if the tip amount is given to employees. The table below shows which taxes apply.

Tips or Service Charges for These Items: Are Subject to These Taxes:
Food only
  • 6.875% state general rate tax
  • Any applicable local and special local taxes
Liquor only
  • 6.875% state general rate tax
  • 2.5% liquor gross receipts tax
  • Any applicable local or special local taxes
Food and liquor combined (see note below)
  • 6.875% state general rate tax
  • 2.5% liquor gross receipts tax
  • Any applicable local or special local taxes


Note: If you can divide the tip or service charge to show what portion is for food versus liquor, do not collect the 2.5% liquor tax on the food portion. You must keep documentation showing how you determined the tax.

Other Charges

Other charges added to a customer’s bill are considered part of the sales price. If the item or service is taxable, the additional charges are taxable.

Examples include but are not limited to:

  • Cover charges (for food, drinks, entertainment, dancing, admissions, etc.)
  • Delivery charges
  • Equipment rentals (decorations, tables, chairs, audiovisual equipment, etc.)
  • Parking fees for customers or employees
  • Noncash fees or fees to use a credit or debit card
  • Dine in or take out fees
  • Charges for employee fair wages, employee benefits, or employee wellness
  • Surcharges (food, fuel, etc.)

For more information, see Sales Price.

The following charges are not taxable when separately stated:

  • Coat check fees
  • Corkage fees
  • Returnable container fees (pie tin, or other reusable food or beverage container)
  • Space rental (meeting room, ballrooms, halls that are not in a recreational area or for lodging)