Emergency Ambulance Service Aid
Emergency Ambulance Service Aid
One-time Emergency Ambulance Service Aid
The Minnesota Legislature enacted a one-time Emergency Ambulance Service Aid appropriation of $24,000,000 for aids payable in 2024.
The Department of Revenue (Revenue) and the Emergency Medical Services Regulatory Board (EMSRB) have verified the application data and certified the aid amounts.
Certified 2025 Emergency Ambulance Service Aid Amounts
The Department of Revenue will make full payments to each certified licensed ambulance service provider on December 26, 2024.
Guidance for Eligible Use of Emergency Ambulance Aid (This document is provided by the EMSRB. All questions regarding use of aid should be directed to aid.ems.emsrb@state.mn.us.)
Any funds that are not spent on, or encumbered for, eligible uses by December 31, 2025, must be returned to the commissioner of revenue and canceled to the general fund.
By February 15, 2026, aid recipients must submit a report to the commissioner of revenue, the executive director of the EMSRB, and the chairs and ranking minority members of the legislative committees with jurisdiction over taxes and property taxes. The report must include details on the use of the aid received to be determined by the executive director of the EMSRB.
Instructions for reporting will be available sometime in 2025.
If you have questions about your licensed ambulance service provider’s information or use of aid, email aid.ems.emsrb@state.mn.us. Questions regarding aid distribution should be emailed to: PropTax.Admin@state.mn.us.